The Online Lessons offered below can be used as a stand alone form of learning a repeatable golf swing for those of you who have limited time to devote to practice. Just follow the directions below on how to capture your swing and upload it to me. The returned videos I send back to you can then be uploaded to your device to view and hear all suggestions in detail anytime you do have time to work on the changes.
For those of you that are aiming for a game that can take your score low and have the time to put into practice, combining the Online Video Lessons with In-Person lesson is the game changer that will accomplish a repeatable constant swing quicker then you following someone's instructions from the web that has never seen YOUR swing and body capabilities. Use a Coach you know and trust and understands your desires and capabilities to get this right the first time.
Both packages allow you to upload 2 videos each time. For example, the single video package offered below, you will upload your video, which can contain a face on video and a down the line (behind you) video, that would complete that package. From the package of the 4 video lesson, you would have 3 additional uploads left to send to me.
All packages allow you to upload the videos I send back, to your device to work on implementing the corrections into your swing at your own pace. When you feel the correction is a part of your swing, capture another video and upload it to me or use an in person lesson to confirm you have moved in the suggested direction and are ready to move on to the next level of your swing.
All videos are voice over corrections with graphic drawings as well as, in most cases, a voice over swing drill video sent to address the issue talked about in the correction video.